Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Art of Persuation

I couldn't resist posting something so amusing.


ok dude! Obviously this Thursday is thanksgiving and I’m pretty sure it would be pathetic to spend it ON CAMPUS! Come on u know I’m right : ) so I haven't seen u in FOREVER.
Ur not allowed to fall off the face of the earth! Ok, so yes u can hibernate to a healthy academic extent and hurray for ur diligence, but dude I’m thinking this is the ideal time to take a break. Not to mention it would be super fun to have u come with us to Lawton! "Like Whoa" in the words of our wise friend Sam. Ok, my take on it is that I’m going; I can get there regardless of whether u and/or Sam go or not; I’m going to have an awesome time. But the thing is, I’m pretty sure it would be silly and selfish of me to not share in this wealth of a good time, not to mention that I win if u come b/c of the contribution ur personality adds to coefficient of amusement. So as of now this groupie will consist of C-4, Rosene (who can't but help love the guy), me (who is beckoning for ur attendance as well). Note I could not realistically put Sam in that list. U see the trip to Lawton will encompass Wednesday evening and we should return to Dallas on Thursday night (no later b/c C-4 must work on Friday). So essentially the most dense period of awesome will take place during this say 26hr time period. (I think this is an adequate break from academics which will allow for a more focused and effective study on ur return.) I understand ur concern of not blowing ur whole wkend and not getting much accomplished in terms of school work. Sam has this same concern. However, she does value and desire to spend her thanksgiving with close friends. We want her to be there. The only way she can commit to attending this worth while furlough is if she has the means of coming back to school shortly after our return to the Dallas area. Do u see what’s happening here? She is at ur mercy. I know she is not willing to explain this to u for fear u'll take her explanation as just a con to getting u to take her. But consider the fact that u two are under similar circumstances. Neither of u have a scheduled thanksgiving activity, this trip to Lawton would be ideal, u both must return promptly. What is the hesitation to embark on this adventure together so that both may enjoy the escape and yet utilize the resource of time available?

All this being said, it would only be a proper invitation and request of
ur attendance if I would inform u of what events could very well take place. Now as u may have heard from several LeTournites, the Lamoreux thanksgiving is not something to live without. Bildo(one of many individuals difficult to please) found an excellent time in the completive yet friendly archery. Others will never forget the familiarization with powerful firearms and our varying degrees of skill utilizing such a commodity. I know u are very familiar with C-4's interest in alcohol, as he often says this comes from a similar interest among his immediate family members. C-4 sent me an amusing email about some dialog he and his mother had concerning Thursday. I can't resist keeping this prime information from u; take a look at this...

Since you're the Master of drink mixers, I need your help in making
"malted mudslides". It calls for vodka, Kahlua, and Bailey's. If you
have any of those you could share with me on Thursday, let us know, so
I can plan my shopping list.

I just happen to have all of those. I'll bring them. I'm also going
to pick up some beer. If you have any requests, let my know. I'm
going to get a hefeweizen, for sure, and maybe Sam Adams.

"Great! Bring all of those liquors and the hefeweisen, too!

ok, I ask that u consider all of the information presented. And all reasons and excuses aside it comes down to the fact that WE WANT U TO JOIN US FOR OUR THANKSGIVING FESTIVITIES.

Have a great wk (b/c
ur anticipating this exciting Thursday),

1 comment:

C-4 said...

I have a mom?