Thursday, December 22, 2005

So, i'm appreciating being able-bodied after just caroling (for a birthday party) to five elderly ladies that could either barely stand up for five minutes or couldn't hear what we were singing. Wow, its so easy to take such things for granted.

I have lived through my last days at LeTourneau and am some how still alive to tell the story. My parents came so that we could bring home the trebuchet. On Daniel's insistence that we didn't take it apart, it was put on its side in a trailer being pulled by the van, no to mention all, yes ALL, of my stuff in the cabin. This was quite a caravan to Houston, Daniel on the red BMW R80, the white van pulling the monstossity, and me in the red BMW 2002.

I'll just say that being home has been interesting, but pleasant overall. One thing i couldn't resist taking a picture off, granted it was just a quick shot, was a small grave yard with at least one poinsetta at each head stone.


C-4 said...


Anonymous said...

I've seen bigger.

jOY said...

in Texas