Thursday, February 02, 2006

Another way C-4 is like Jesus.....

ok, maybe just Aslan....

you know what I’m talking about, same birth date yada...yada.

well, the man himself got shaven. in preparation for a must succeed interview, his will was overcome by a woman. not any ordinary woman, but one of power, one of stature. What woman alone could alter any aspect of his beliefs and allow such a thing to happen?

the one that held the scissors.

to bad that woman isn't me : )

so, the side burns took a leave of absence. however, i venture to say they will soon return.

I find this even more amusing coupled with the fact that, when I was talking to my mom and told her about his interview and all, she asked, "Did he get rid of the sideburns?"

1 comment:

jOY said...

ok, so the whole aslan comparison was c-4's idea. can't take credit.