Sunday, September 25, 2005

What a weekend! On the whole, a high coefficient of awesome. It's pretty crazy dating someone that’s practically a legacy. It didn't really occur to me until Thursday night that I would be required to share. Well, of course I knew to an extent, but it was exemplified when C-4 was in Gilbert lobby and anyone that walked in stopped what they were doing and relished his presence. Truck Stop--good times.

I never would have guessed the preparation someone who doesn't plan can do. The surprise of dinner on a lake was unforgettable. But this was no half-ass job. We're talking exceptional Italian food, lilies (in a vodka bottle), along with elegant champagne. The depiction of appreciation in such a manner is far beyond wonderful. Knowing that someone thinks you're special, somehow different from just anyone else, has an indefinable positive feeling.

With no concept of time or planning, things went ire shortly there after. I wouldn't attribute the chaos to any individual. Everyone wanted to do something, but it just wasn't happening. Discontent was widespread for those that were unable to attend. Communication--such a powerful thing.

People--we're so ambiguous. We may think we're predictable, but something happens and any thought of structure is blown away.

Thunder! Lightening! That was exciting.

I figured out what super power I want. ---To be able to make people not like me.
Granted every power has its fallback, which is pretty obvious in this case, but man it would be convenient and save a lot of hassle.

What I want to be when I grow up: A Kid!


C-4 said...

You see, the problem is that a super power has to be within the realm of reason. I'm afraid that what you are asking for is impossible. You are the single greatest woman to have ever graced God's green Earth, and people will always like you. I'm pretty sure that there is no way at all to make me stop liking you, so you are just going to have to get used to it. BTW, I hope you move to Oklahoma. See, I am going to be Bruce Willis when I grow up, and that is the only state where it would be legal to date a kid.

Anonymous said...

hi Joy!!