Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
I'm going to go home and sleep like this. Any attempts to wake me will fail.
I just can't quite get my feet on the ground.
I'm lost in the world of aerodynamics. I can't figure out how to step down out of the confusion. I whine and bark in frustration.
I could use a good aero textbook to just suck on for a while.
All I can do is laugh.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
From: UTA Engineering Undergraduates on behalf of Carter, Chris K
Sent: Mon 9/24/2007 11:30 AM
Subject: MCTC Oct 3 Jeff Smith - Tech Skills for Humanitarian Purposes
Sponsored by the Mid-Cities Technical Club and the UTA College of Engineering.
You are invited to an exciting presentation at
Rady Room, 6th floor Nedderman Hall, UTA. In case of overflow we will be in
Room 100 Nedderman Hall.
Using Your Technical Skills for Humanitarian Purposes
Jeff Smith, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Ublip, Inc.
In 2006, UT Arlington alumnus Jeff Smith received the Kauffman Foundation's Community Award in recognition of his successful efforts to improve the economic conditions of the citizens of Magote, a mountain village in
Dr. Jeff Smith received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science & Engineering at UT Arlington. In 1993, he co-founded and served as president and CEO of OnRamp Technologies, which grew to become one of the largest web-hosting companies in the world. In 2002, Smith founded SensorLogic, one of the industry's first Telemetry Service Providers, considered a pioneer in the emerging machine-to-machine communications market. Most recently, he founded Ublip, a provider of location tracking software allowing companies to instantly locate vehicles, company assets, or personnel - anything that moves.
PLEASE JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST. Come early and stay late to network with
students, faculty and industry engineers.
The Rady Room opens at
The mission of the Mid-Cities Technical Club is to promote the interchange of ideas, especially in the field of social, civic and professional advancement of the technical professions, to broaden the acquaintance of members of the profession, and to make the technical knowledge of the members available to
the public in whatever manner may be advisable.
John D. Patterson, Ph.D.
Associate Dean College of Engineering
The University of Texas at
I'm trying to make a reservation so that I can attend but don't know how. should I submit a guest reservation?
Thank you
Omar Rosales
I went to one of these about a year ago, if you log on to their website they have a form you can fill out. That's all you need to do, and if you are in 1104 it counts as one of your "events".
i must be on the wrong mailing list, b/c i am not in 1104, and i am not omar.
lmfao, hes dumb
hey who is omar haha i keep getting this frickin email
Hey! I know who he is! I have a class with him!!!
haha this email will be sent to EVERYBODY! sup chris.
I'd like to clarify, Omar does NOT eat kittens, or babies. At least as far as I know. Hey Matt.
whats up chris...whats crackin man
Please stop abusing the engineering undergraduate listserv.
- David Wilson
Are you serious? Like it amuses you all to send stuff back n forth?
Pls be mature and stop this nonsense! People like me don't wanna read about what you think about anybody or whats going on with you. I REALLY DON'T SO STOP ABUSING THE LISTSERV!
Calm down sunshine. Stressing out it's good for your blood pressure.
Subject: unsubscribe
Can I block these annoying emails?
to UNSUBSCRIBE from this listserv do the following
subject: (leave blank)
personally I find all these emails really amusing
but I see some of you are losing your minds
if its that bad you now can remove yourself from this amusing service
To UTA-MAE Engineering Students,
This email is intended for the UTA student body of the MAE Engineering department who want to express any type of concern on the way the CadLab at Woolf Hall is being managed by David Hutch Carpenter. Specifically the communication deficiency that this individual has in corresponding with the student body. If you personally have been a victim of unfair treatment and disrespect from this individual you may express this directly to his higher authority for immediate action to be taken. Several students have come forward to address this issue and have made some progress to correct this problem. The more people who address this issue, the faster the problem will be corrected. You can email Dr. Wilson directly with any complaints with regard to David Hutch Carpenter (Cadlab supervisor).
(Confidentiality of your identity with Dr. Wilson if needed will be kept)
Dr. Donald Wilson
Email: <>
Phone: 817-272-2603
Mail Box: 19018
Woolf Hall, Room No.: 211B
Only with voicing our opinions and standing up for what is right and fair regarding the treatment of the student body at UTA can changes come about by higher authority to correct the injustices of individuals like David Hutch Carpenter.
Well okay,
Since I started this, I was wondering if i could get some use out of it. Can anyone show me how to get on Limewire here, as in on campus? My music library has halted it's continuous growth of new, better songs because I cannot access Limewire. If anyone can help with this dilema I'd be very grateful.
Thank you,
Omar Rosales
P.S. Don't reply to the list. send it to my email
Let's watch the language please. Remember this is over a large distribution list. If the emails bother you that much just remove yourself from the mailing list. Or you could always just delete the unwanted ones (assuming you're not too busy to click a little "X").
Sean Thomas is right. This kinda thing happens but once a semester. You could always just click the little "x" and its no big deal. Personally i find this amusing and to the part that said that we're the reason noone checks their mavamil? you're dumb if you think that. Hey, omar. you find out how to get limewire on UTA? let me know if you did.....look me up on mavmail
To all undergraduate engineering students:
I wanted to take a moment to clarify the purpose of this list serve and the question about Limewire. The "UTA Engineering Undergraduates" list serve was created by the College of Engineering, for use by the College
of Engineering, in disseminating information relevant to all of those subscribed to it. At last count, each e-mail to this list serve is received by more than 1,800 students in the College of Engineering.
Few, if any of these, find foul language or an advertisement for a girlfriend entertaining. This list serve was not intended for personal use by students to distribute a MySpace page, find a girlfriend, send shout outs to friends, devise a means of circumventing international copyright law, or anything else. As such, I am asking that all subscribers to this list serve exhibit some self-control and refrain from spamming your fellow classmates. If you have a question, comment, concern, or information you think should be passed on to a large number of students, please use the proper channel for doing so. For questions, comments, or concerns, contact the proper UTA entity. If there is information you feel is beneficial to all students on this list serve, please contact the College of Engineering to discuss your options for distributing this information. If that does not work, contact myself or another Joint Concil of Engineering Organizations (JCEO) officer and we will make sure you are put in touch with the right person. Please do not take it upon yourself to use this list serve without the permission of the College of Engineering. The e-mail traffic of the past few days is evidence of
what can happen. With regards to the Limewire problem, using this illegal, file-sharing application is a violation of international copyright law and the UTA security policy you all signed before receiving your netID and password. This software policy is also displayed as the desktop background on any UTA PC you log onto around campus. By using, or continuing to use Limewire and other file-sharing applications, you put yourself and the university at risk of serious legal repercussions. As a student at UTA, I am asking that all students be considerate of their classmates and refrain from using these applications. Should someone feel the need to be funny or make a joke of a serious situation, please e-mail me personally. Do not spam 1,800 other students. We are all tired of deleting these e-mails and would appreciate the courtesy and maturity of all students.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me or stop by the JCEO office in 216 Nedderman Hall. We are here to represent the students of the College of Engineering and if there is anything we can
do to fulfill that duty, please let us know.
P.S. Please do not unsubscribe from this list serve. It works only to your benefit to receive e-mails from the College of Engineering about upcoming events, career fairs, and other activities.
Thank you for your time and cooperation,
Christopher L. Harrison
President, Joint Council of Engineering Organizations
University of Texas at Arlington
Office: 216 NH
Phone: 817-272-3118
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Does that make a non-believer a path function? -if you consider the final state boundary condition of <0.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Check out this dude.

Classes Started Tuesday, then canceled today. Good? I have a pretty full schedule: 15hr of class, 20hr of work, wedding planning, fiance, life?
